Monday, January 5, 2009

1st day of school...

1st day of school.. humm... wat can i say... aaa... SIUK!!! half plg sja.. well.. u knw kn... psl jmpa kwnn.. huhh... tpi da plg jua the part that sucks!!.. well.. let's change the topic... humm.. aha... my teacher for this year is Mrs. Tan... fun lh ma yaa... well.. lgi satu.. aku jdi assistant prefect.. hmm.. aney pun one of the part of the things that sucks today... well.. aku bknnya nda mo.. tpi klau bleh aku jdi prefect kh pa kh.. huh.. i really thought that dream ku yg satu aney will cme true this year..huh.. but no.. si mizan th plg yg jdi prefect... huh... a2 yg ku pissed off bnr. ruined bnr the day today.. huhhh...

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