Friday, July 30, 2010

hello again!

well, our wireless didnt work last night so i made something with photoscape last night :)

gaga made that 'touch' haha
me with nyonyah aiman haha
this is my most favorite one. heee

okay bye guys :)

a trip of a lifetime

hello :)

as you guys know, me and my fellow cooleo best buds were among the students choosed to participate in a fieldtrip to the majlis ilmu held at icc this wednesday. mizan, deejah and aiman made my day totally and i dont regret having you guys there with me. anyways, let the pictures do all the talking.
offcourse a day out with the buds would be completed without a photo with deejah
my favorite photo taken. haha with mizan and his carpet-soft head. haha awww

too bad i didnt take a photo with aiman. sorry aiman. hehe and bye guys :)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

have faith, give love and bring peace

photo from


thats just some random quote i made up as my new post's tittle. and yes it sounds a little hippie-ish. but wth would care? after all i am the author of this blog. haha get over the fact. apakan

anyways, school reopened and our test paper is passed back to us. my result, not that satisfying. i failed my maths, amaths, chemistry and physics. thats like half of the subjects that i took. my dad took my report card this morning and my teacher said that i wasnt concentrating much at school. GAAH!

enough of those negative vibes. i need to improve. seriously. i passed only my bio for the science subjects which is not good. i gotta atleast pass my dmaths, physics and chemistry so that i could show that i could survive.

and, i sure hope that me and my family will have a great time together this weekend.

goodbye people.