Saturday, January 31, 2009
A happy hour at uncle Allan's house..
This evening.. kmi sfamily.. were invoted to unc. Allan and Aunty Ellien's open housee.. well the food was swell.. and the hse was fatasticc.. hee. soo cleann.. and also surprisingly so bigg.. woww.. hehe.. well.. humm.. nyaman2 makanannya sna.. yumm... byk kuih roll snaa.. hee.. siuk laa.. well.. li8 knn.. walaupun tney len cultures and also len race tpi cba li8 kn.. kuih tradsional yg dhidangkn.. hee.. a2 yg mrapatkn silaturrahim 2 nmanyaa.. haha... well.. im off.. kn cht g.. so.. gud niteee... yawnn..
Wow! Bang! Damn!
Today.. wow... klau kmu urg blait msti kmu realize yg ujan labat.. woww!! well.. kawasan kmi dh dlmm.. huhh.. well.. nda la skulh 2.. well dats a good thing ri8?? haha.. well.. its nt for mee.. psl kmi nda skulh adalahh psal.. haha.. kemalayuaan juaa.. hahaa.. psl skulh kmi banjirr.. aku heard skulh kmi students nya beatur kn tlipon prentss.. huh.. panjang.. haha.. luckily aku dpt msg frm my friend yg skulh banjirr.. soo.. kmi blum g kluar smpang sudh bbalik krmh.. hee.. for my bro boy n ben + mom.. skulh drg dalam.. dsungai tali.. woowww... dalam smapai mcm.. humm.. kreta saloon knn.. tinggi nya mcm humm.. tayarnya pnya topp.. yath mrijab jua 2.. hee.. thenn.. kmi stay drmhh.. huh.. wtachin tv.. surfin.. haha.. boring x aa.. puas jua x udh li8 tv x aa.. mcm routine dh tiap2 harii.. huhh.. well.. thenn.. mcm.. kmi ugama laa pas2.. blajar.. thenn.. msa break.. kmi triak2 mmangiil c azrii.. saja.. haha... nda jua ya mndngr.. gila bnr c azri 2.. azrii mun ko mmbaca bloggku ktika ini.. bh sasteraa.. haha.. azri mun ko msa neyy mmbaca blogg kuu.. aku ingin mgistiharkn bahawa ko gila.. haha.. bh apakn?? haha.. well.. msa a2 thenn sma jua.. my buddy amirr.. kmi nmpk yg ya sdang brsama dgn geng2 nya dstorr uleh ciguu.. haha.. then aku jln2 ma drg saini.. then nmpk th cigu hjh mardiana... cigu taun lpas kuu.. makin kurus x aa yaa.. n ya mkin lawa sdh msa neyy.. hee.. also.. aku pas2.. trus katas.. huh.. dsna.. bang.. nhh.. trpukul hatiku msa c guy a2.. knn.. mcm.. ya ngucap2 aku dpn aku lgi 22.. msa aku crita2 sma c zaeem.. n also c zhafrii... hee.. thenn damn.. smbhyg... c azri ddk sblh kuu.. haha.. urg gila aa. haha.. thenn.. aku nmpk buddy kuu.. hahaa.. msa a2 jua aku gtau ya srh 2nggu aku lps smbhyg.. ya kta okk.. haa.. theenn.. abis smbhyg.. vroomm!! trus ya larii... wooiii!! smpai hatimu.. haha.. aku lgi tadee.. malu wa... aku nmpk keta nya mlintas keta ku.. ku angkat tangan.. na kna lyan baa.. haha.. mcm.. taie jua 2.. haha.. msa blik aku msuk rmh then aku nmpk ka ezah podin n wawan.. haha.. drg aga c roy laa.. haha.. thnn.. drg kkriam laa.. haaa.. then here i am chatingg.. n also.. yupp.. aku add emel c azri.. haha.. dshow2 lgi 2 emelnyaa.. swe. azrii. ahah.. jk2 jaa.. haha.. eyy... panjang jua my post hari aney aa.. haha.. buleh tahan.. haha
Thursday, January 29, 2009
A Rainy Day it was..
Hri neyy.. hee.. nth aa.. mcm.. humm.. hri neyy pgi lgi udh rain.. hee.. well.. the 1st period kmi hri neyy P.E waa.. haha.. soo.. we act. did'nt go outsidee.. but we stayed in our class room.. huh.. lame jua.. haha.. well.. also.. msa period a2.. hee.. well... aku ma djah msa 2 buang kes.. ke kantin kn bli mineral water.. haha.. skadar.. kmi ceta2.. psl urg len lgi msa on the wy kkantin.. haha.. hee.. cli jua eyy..pakan?? haha.. humm thenn kmi chit ch8 rh class majal.. hee.. well.. siok x aa.. heee.. well.. kmi men indoors lh sja.. like kmi pass2...humm.. bula.. or balls.. haha.. bula tenniss.. hee.. aound da class x aa mmasingg.. hee.. haha.. wll.. thn ok laa.. all ok.. hee.. b8 msa break.. the real prob. starts.. hee.. like.. ada this guy.. trus2 cri psl ma aku.. huhh.. stop it already mann.. face itt.. haha.. well.. its nt dat bad act. heee... well.. also msa balikk.. i met my sec. 2B dudess.. heee.. siok x aa ma drgg... hehe ku jln ma amir n naj tde.. hhee.. funn.. hehe.. then aku blik... thenn.. ma msa ugama.. aku dpt tau yg saini kn ptuskn iman.. well.. mstilaa aku mcm blurr x aa. pslnyaa... drg gi back about 7 times x.. huh.. cba imagine drg kawin.. then asl klaie carai... len ja kta urg 2.. huhh.. then msa break.. aku mcm.. mad laa.. pasl this guy (the same guy yg fadeupkn mu mood n da mring..) mcm sma laa.. mcm capi2 lh.. cm act2 cool laa.. act2... mcm mizan laaa.. face it u r a MIZAN POSER!!! get over it dude.. huh... n msa balik.. i recieved a great newss.. saini appolagize rh iman.. hw romantic knn?? aha.. bh apanya c aiman... kejiwaan.. haha.. well.. aku happy laa kn atleast drg 2 happy waa prhubungan drgg.. heee well.. aku ma my friends ok jua laa.. hee.. n also aku maafkn guy a2.. heee..
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Tagged.. Damnn... haha...
whoever gets tagged has to write 10 things about the person who tagged him/her.
Iman S.
1. She's a gr8 personn (skadar) haha
2. her classroom is nxt 2 minee.. hee
3. she's cool...
4. she's a great friend to hang with
5. her sis's name is fafa
6. she capable to both boy and girl friends of hers
7. she's not lame.. bh apaan.. haha
8. her hair is great.. haha.. wow!! kerambut x aaa.. haha
9. she and her classmates had their p.e lesson ths mrning..
10. she is a close friend of minee
the person who got tagged has to write 10 things about himself/herself.
1. I am the guy that was called gay by the whole school..
2. I am not lamee.. haha.. bh apakn?? well.. smetimess..
3. My Best Buddy is studying at the class next to me
4. I am schooling at SMSS
5. I am the p.e captain in my class...
6. I have 3 bros n a sis
7. I go better with both guys n gals in my class..
8. My life is perfect for me..
9. I love my mom n dad.. haha.. bh.. mama's boyy.. haha
10. I love my life
At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names.
5.Unc. Dien
6.Sista Jirah
7.Bro Zull
Iman S.
1. She's a gr8 personn (skadar) haha
2. her classroom is nxt 2 minee.. hee
3. she's cool...
4. she's a great friend to hang with
5. her sis's name is fafa
6. she capable to both boy and girl friends of hers
7. she's not lame.. bh apaan.. haha
8. her hair is great.. haha.. wow!! kerambut x aaa.. haha
9. she and her classmates had their p.e lesson ths mrning..
10. she is a close friend of minee
the person who got tagged has to write 10 things about himself/herself.
1. I am the guy that was called gay by the whole school..
2. I am not lamee.. haha.. bh apakn?? well.. smetimess..
3. My Best Buddy is studying at the class next to me
4. I am schooling at SMSS
5. I am the p.e captain in my class...
6. I have 3 bros n a sis
7. I go better with both guys n gals in my class..
8. My life is perfect for me..
9. I love my mom n dad.. haha.. bh.. mama's boyy.. haha
10. I love my life
At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names.
5.Unc. Dien
6.Sista Jirah
7.Bro Zull
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Idk wat 2 say 'bout today..
Todayy.. hee.. ill tell u sme only about today.. the rest naahh.. hehe.. well.. todayy.. lots of things happened.. hee.. well.. hmm.. idk wat 2 start.. hee.. i dun wanna talk bout it ri8 nww.. hee ltrr.. hee.. swee..
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Smthing which is un-fun 4 2day..
Today well.. Nth aa.. Msa tdey aku kna scld psl nth ey psl aku wnt 2 be given smthing o be bought smething.. For smthing.. Well thn prents ku said 2 me dat i dun hve 2 be bought smthing for smthing.. Aku mcm sad laa n glum.. Psl cba kmu u want it soo bad thn it goes away like nuthin.. I was really imbarased bcuz i ws scld in frnt o my sibl.s well.. Kinda.. Pas2 mcm we did our chores.. Thn ftr dat.. Aku sit @ my sofa in our living room.. Which is at my fav. Spot.. Hee.. Thn my mom saw me maybe.. Then she cheers me up.. Hee.. Then ok laa.. As u cn c here i am at my fav. Spot.. Hee.. Dats wat i like about moms u knw.. Bcuz they always mke their kids happy whn theyre upset.. Hee thx mom 4 makin me happy bck.. Hee love ya.. Hee..
Bzzzttt,,,, Gunting Rambut...
Mlm neyy kmi gunting rmbutt.. arh.. tmpt gunting rmbut dkt makrojaya.. hehe.. umm.. ok jua laa.. dsana.. ada 2 urg gnting rmbut.. seorang mcm dri battillion sorang lgi.. idk wat 2 say he's soo... strange.. haha.. well.. ok laa.. everyone had their haircut.. hehe.. minus my mom n also my sis.. hehe.. here's sme pictures dat i took at the barber shoppp...
Hee,, a great day..
Today.. humm.. bh majal 2day nyaa.. hee.. hri neyy.. my granny n also.. my cuz n also my cuz dinna.. n also my unc. n auntie.. they cme all the way from Tutong.. Keriamm.. hee.. well.. ok jua laa.. i had fun wif my cuzzie dinna.. hehe.. we chit-chatted in my roomm.. hehe.. (jgn pikir len2 aa) fun jua laa.. kmi hang out sesama.. every single tyme.. hee.. siokk... well.. kmi chek2 o view2 blog urang.. hehe.. n also.. kmi view2 fs urg (aney yg kuno neyy... haha..) fun3 dats all i hve 2 sayy...granny.. ok.. sihat sejahtera.. haha.. kmi tde.. sma2 mkan dluar rh gazebo (me n yayang dinna) while my cuz.. bros n also unc. men bulaa.. ahah.. then aku suddenly jmpa my friend frm ugama.. sajjat.. haha.. muahaha.. jmpa ya pnya car tde.. hehe.. msa 2 kmi umm.. men swing.. haha.. flashback.. ahaa.. but they all.. blik pkul 6.. huh.. a2 yg boring part 2.. huh.. well.. ok jua laa.. at least they went here 1st thing in the mrning.. hehe.. btw.. here's sme pic dat i took this morningg... hee..
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Cleaning campaign..
Hri neyy ptg.. kmi ada cleaning campaignn... ok jua laa.. hee.. well.. nth aa.. help is needed act. hee.. well.. idk wat 2 say nw.. cuz im nw blankk... huh.. idk why..
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Is there anyone yg bulehh isi my cboxx...
Eyy my blog aneyy haha.. nda maju.. nda urg kn mgisi cboxx... uiii.. pleasee.. isi waa.. bknnnya pyhh.. tech. msa neyy.. canggih jua udhh.. nda jua pyh dbgi telegram x aa.. eyy.. bh chill.. haha..
Rabi B'day!!!
To my friend... Rabi.. eyoohh.. hee.. Rabi.. Happy b'day.. which is today.. hee.. may Allah bless u.. n also.. smoga pnjang umur.. heee.... umm.. present.. nnti aaa...
Today... I mean.. On the 20th... apa ada aaa??
Eyy.. swe bloggers.. hee.. im inactive for a few days.. hee.. well the truth is my b'day was on the 20th.. thx.. forr the greets.. guys... hee.. special thanx 2.. all my friends and my best friend.. hee.. well back 2 squaree.. well.. ok jua laa.. dat day.. hee.. ess. when urg nda tau yg aku b'day.. theyre fools.. haa.. nda wa.. hee.. dat day.. yg 1st greet aku rabi.. pas 2.. eyy wait.. amir yg 1st greet aku.. hee.. then rabii.. hee.. then kwn2 from 2A n 2B.. hee.. n also.. fromm.. form 4 sciencee,, heee.. klod.. n matin.. hee.. thx guyss.. hee.. the day was awesomee.. hee.. n btww... thanks Deejahhh!!!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Numero Uno!!!
There is 1 day left for the biggest day of the year... hee.. kn tau apaa?? esuk bca ja blog posts kuu.. hee..
Today... humm.. today..
Today.. hee.. sma mcm hri2 yg lalu.. hee.. well.. u knw lh kn.. hee.. as usual.. hang out ma kwn.. hee.. computer class fun.. hee.. a lil.. hee.. but ugama is the bestt.. hee.. psl.. psl.. adala 2 sbab nya.. hee..hri neyy humm.. simple ja.. psl nda bnyk kn d ckpkn.. hee.. intresting pun nda jua... swe.. nda bnyk kn d post todayy!!!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
1+1=2 days lefttt...
2 days left for the biggest day of this year.. wheee.. bh apakn?? haa... hee.. well.. nth aaa.. well.. hmm.. u'll find out soon..
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Thursday, January 15, 2009
We have a new neighbour....
Yea... haha.. apakn?? haha.. eyy.. we got a new neighbour in school.. hehe.. sbalah kmi act. form 4 sci.... but now... kna tukar.. form 2b.. hehe.. whee.. sng th ku bckp ma kwn2 ku rh frm 2b neyy.. hehe.. this is fun!! haha.. siok jua laa... meetin sum1 new.. hehe.. well... i would say.. it is an honour to have u.. as our neighbour.. hehe.. as our new neighbour.. hehe..
This days...
This days mcm ok jua laa.. bnyk improvement to myselff.. heee... thenn.. hmm.. apa gi aaa... aha... bnyk hw..heehe.... n also.. bnyk unexpected things happen laaa rh ku.. hehe.. aku msa neyy.. humm.. can say hve changed dri.. humm.. cmna aa... aku pun nda dpt describe... smpai laa jadi cneyy... hehe... yalh this days bnyk psl aku brubh... maybe this is the new chapter of my lifeee...
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Busy busy busy..
Man.. omg.. this week kn.. im soo busy with my h/w... huh.. n also.. since kmi ambil spn-21.. kami kna srh bu8 assignment lgi.. huh.. owww... mannn... haha.. well.. ok jua laa.. at least kmi gain xpirience jdi urg ubd.. ahah... hehe.. well.. aku ada plg decide kn tkr template ku.. well.. bring waa udh template aneyy.. huh... well.. hve 2 mke the ri8 choices... hehe.. well.. wish me luckk... i may be in active for a few days.. well as u can see... im busy3...
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Tuesday, Wednersday, Thursday & Friday...
Tuesday ok jua laa... fine.. calm.. n all my probs sdh solved.. but aku blum tkar tmpt ddk.. huhh.. aku pun nda tau cna kn tkr tmpt ddk ku... well.. my friends aney bh pyh kn d atur... humm... ill.. just hve 2 figure it out my self.. hehe.. Ugama was ok laa... well.. sme probs ku udh ok.. but ada yg alum...
Wednersday... hmmm... ok jua lhh... sma as Tuesday.. fine.. tpi weathernya.. nt so fine.. psl ujan2 ja... ugama ada tasmik Surah Al-Fatihah utk jdi imam.. hehe.. aku kna tulis plg jua nma ku... n btw probs yg kmarin yg alum bsolved msih alum lgi tau way kn solve kn.. huh... btw.. today adiku Ben start ugama.. tpi rpanya.. hri khamis ya ugama psl kmarin ya kna recognize dlu uleh teacher nya.. hehe...
Thursday.. okk.. P.E ok juaa.. tpi stay in the class plg aja... hahaha... Mr. Chin is our coach.. haha.. or should i call coach chin.. hehehe... aku kna jdikn captain utk period P.E eheh.. aku nda plg xpect... hehe... ugama smua probs sdh solved.. hehe.. i learnt that if u want it then ask 4 it.. bnr jua 2.. hehe.. wheee... hahha
Friday aku bgun pkul 7 pagi.. well.. as usual.. hehe.. kmi breakfast mkn soto.. haha.. len jua kmi 2.. n also pas2 aku men game... hehe.. then aku.. usai sikit blik ku.. then kmi lunch.. hehe.. mkn daging black pepper.. well.. offcourse mom made it.. yumm.. nyaman eyy.. then aku decide aku kn usai bilikku fully.. hehe.. siok laa.. li8 results nya.. psl tney sndiri yg bu8 kn.. dripada pnggil crew casa impian... lgi baik klau tney bu8 sndiri... hehe.. lgi memuaskn.. hehe.. well.. siok lh ja kri neyy.. lots of things aku blajar... siok brabis.. ku chat2 ma kwn.. ku chat2 ma cuz2 ku.. hehe. fun lh today.. hpe 2mmrw fine aaa...
Wednersday... hmmm... ok jua lhh... sma as Tuesday.. fine.. tpi weathernya.. nt so fine.. psl ujan2 ja... ugama ada tasmik Surah Al-Fatihah utk jdi imam.. hehe.. aku kna tulis plg jua nma ku... n btw probs yg kmarin yg alum bsolved msih alum lgi tau way kn solve kn.. huh... btw.. today adiku Ben start ugama.. tpi rpanya.. hri khamis ya ugama psl kmarin ya kna recognize dlu uleh teacher nya.. hehe...
Thursday.. okk.. P.E ok juaa.. tpi stay in the class plg aja... hahaha... Mr. Chin is our coach.. haha.. or should i call coach chin.. hehehe... aku kna jdikn captain utk period P.E eheh.. aku nda plg xpect... hehe... ugama smua probs sdh solved.. hehe.. i learnt that if u want it then ask 4 it.. bnr jua 2.. hehe.. wheee... hahha
Friday aku bgun pkul 7 pagi.. well.. as usual.. hehe.. kmi breakfast mkn soto.. haha.. len jua kmi 2.. n also pas2 aku men game... hehe.. then aku.. usai sikit blik ku.. then kmi lunch.. hehe.. mkn daging black pepper.. well.. offcourse mom made it.. yumm.. nyaman eyy.. then aku decide aku kn usai bilikku fully.. hehe.. siok laa.. li8 results nya.. psl tney sndiri yg bu8 kn.. dripada pnggil crew casa impian... lgi baik klau tney bu8 sndiri... hehe.. lgi memuaskn.. hehe.. well.. siok lh ja kri neyy.. lots of things aku blajar... siok brabis.. ku chat2 ma kwn.. ku chat2 ma cuz2 ku.. hehe. fun lh today.. hpe 2mmrw fine aaa...
Monday, January 5, 2009
1st day of school...
1st day of school.. humm... wat can i say... aaa... SIUK!!! half plg sja.. well.. u knw kn... psl jmpa kwnn.. huhh... tpi da plg jua the part that sucks!!.. well.. let's change the topic... humm.. aha... my teacher for this year is Mrs. Tan... fun lh ma yaa... well.. lgi satu.. aku jdi assistant prefect.. hmm.. aney pun one of the part of the things that sucks today... well.. aku bknnya nda mo.. tpi klau bleh aku jdi prefect kh pa kh.. huh.. i really thought that dream ku yg satu aney will cme true this year..huh.. but no.. si mizan th plg yg jdi prefect... huh... a2 yg ku pissed off bnr. ruined bnr the day today.. huhhh...
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy new year to everyone
The year 2009 has come... well... its great for us to celebrate it with our family.. hehe... and also everyone will be planning some new goals.. well.. i did... and also some advise on not doing things wrongly like we did on the past years of our life... because we learned from mistakes that we did... well... everyones happy when they celebrate the new year celebration... but after that they will think of another thing that they will face... SCHOOL!!! this may be fun but it also sucks... huh... well.. that is just common to any student... well... good luck for school...
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