Saturday, July 25, 2009


Ohhh nooo!!! there's left about A WEEKK until the orals for SSSRU are coming and yes i did prepared A LOT for this orals. i am looking forward to score for the exams. i want good marks and great grades as i really really need this result so that i could pursue my career to work at shell. thats my dream right now. i really really wanna work for shell. so i better consentrate on my studies on ugama subjects.

oh yes, yesterday was ok just like an ordinary day. except, ada somebody who didn't come to school yesterday which leads me to be mr. lonely and guess what? the bugger at my school kept on bugging me! and i can't stand it anymore but i must struggle for it. and it won't effect my studies so yes.

yesterday was also the day i mean the night that aku hang out sma kakaku dibiliknya, talking about trashh! haha well, sorta but ada jualah useful topics yg kami chat kan. but nothing atu lah immitative or even offensive just in case of you guys wanna know. but by then i recieved an unexpected message. and btw yesterday mom and dad went to the hospital lawat aunty rabizah. im not that sure why she was took to the hospital. whether its serious or not, we'll pray for you auntie.

pet society ku baik sudaaahhh... skadar but really lh, that game is so addictive sampai main that game's like a part of my daily schedule. malam plng tu, nda kan pagii except fridays (if ndaa xtra) or sundays, ehh atuu batah sudh nda contact wif my cousins, it has been like, weeks oh noo MONTHS since aku nda contact sma drg2. wonder cna drg msa ni ah. and hws cousin wawan doing since ya pun sma jua sma aku SSSRU taun ani. i really hope that he's already preparing for the orals.

tommorow, ada test kah esuk? i mean science? nda slah ku ada lah but we'll find out soon. and esuk ada revision tauhid. about ajaran apa tu yg kana atu ehh ntah eh, but there will be a test tommorow and i am preparing my ass off for this test. haha really idk why i am like nerdy this days? haha but its a good thing because nerds are geniuses and blonds are dumb, haha jk but i think spoiled brats are dumb. they won't know what sambal means. haha

anyways, i am gonna stop this post right here as i wanna do some things after this. so au revoir and auf wiedersehen


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