Saturday, June 20, 2009


bee oh are eye anne gee

get me? no? okay i am quite bored today nothings new and we were surprised to hear this news mom and dad told us. what a day! i don't know if we are going anywhere today because mom n dad's attending this wedding thing and guess what i don't really think that lots of them people care care about me. like nobody cares for your opinions and your stories and your texts in msn. maybe this is life. maybe this is what it is all about. i don't really know what to say right now as words cannot describe how i feel. one day i really would like to travel outdoors. i know it's very2 strange but you guys get me right. there are lots of goals here to be accomplished and i just have to know the time i am going to accomplish those goals. i wanna say that i desperately need a friend to talk to right now, if there is anyone. the person who gained my trust last time now lost it.

okay, that crap up there haha its nothing! haha i was just joking! non of it is true except some things that i am bored off. but the rest of the emo things i wrote up there's nothing! haha seriously! and also i am now eating POP MIE! well actually i am now eating while texting and blogging and fb-ing and google-ing! cooll isn't it you should try is though like qawim said to me that chewwing your mattress is good? is it? he told me he always do. well, maybe thats his bad habit or something. its the same as nail biting or what so ever. okay i am now about to finish my pop mie and guess what? i think i am gonna public back this blog because i felt to guilty for not to let the un-invited ones to read my blog. but thats just a MAYBE!

i am off now so bye au revoir and auf wiedersehen!!

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