Wednesday, November 23, 2011

its the holi-holidays!


freedom. 7 letters. independent, strong, priceless. freedom.

what a bad weather we're having now. quite a scene outside my house. the rain drizzled continuously. the flash of lighting and the thud of the thunder completed the painting of this scenery. 

but still, it doesnt affect any degree of freedom i have now that the exams are done.

i officially am on holiday last week. im not sure when but the point is, it started last week. staying and resting at home is fun and relaxing, at times.

its been a while since i havent seen my friends. probably about a week  or so. looking forward to meet them soon if we get the chance.

since my holiday has just started, it had been fun so far. i am looking forward for some more fun and laughs ahead of me as i take a journey upon my holiday days.

Monday, November 14, 2011

the pain the money, the luxury, the rich had brought

as we all know, money is such a powerful word and is a powerful object. everybody also knows that money brings luxury and luxury brings joy. thats the main reason why people work for money, why people sacrifice for money and why people would kill for money. it brings happiness. 

for some, it is the way of getting money that brings difficulty to the matter while some find it easy for it is presented to them on a silver platter. since then, the idealism where money indicates social rankings of people emerge which therefore conclude with putting people into groups; the rich, the moderate, the poor.

i came up with a theory days ago which emphasizes the ugly truth of our life.

when the rich buys luxury, the moderate watched them from below while the poor cries in tears of despair thinking how lucky the rich are.

for me, further explanation of that theory isnt needed for it is simple, it is short and it is the truth.

but life is like a cycle. who knows, maybe one day people of the moderate and poor would be in the same position as the rich, but everything happens for a reason.

but it doesnt matter which level you come from. as long as you are happy, healthy and know your roots, then nothing will do you wrong. thats why it is easier for you to except who you are and be good to others then to try and be like everybody else.