hello peoples. i know that i haven't posted any new fresh posts in this blog. i haven't even blogged some posts on tumblr either. i was really busy playing cafe world in facebook and going online with my friends in msn. anyways my life nowadays is stable. okay and steady. i guess some juicy things happened but i tried to ignore it because i've learnt my lesson which is some sort of a secret between me and myself for now onwards.
next year, i'm gonna start a new chapter of my life and i'm planning to do something special for myself and to others in the same time. i know that means 2 in 1 but who cares anyway? but now i know that a new chapter of my life has started and now i feel fresh and new and rejuvnated away from those dark days that i fear to remember and bring back. i surely hope next year will be a splendid year and i hope i could cope on the lesson as i am promoted to secondary 3 science or should i say year 9 science.
i got some good news here. amir and iman sofienna is going to be my classmates next year. the others are secrets that i really need to reveal myself inwhich i have to wait for next year. the bad news is my friends and i are gonna get seperated next year. some are going to the arts class, some at the science class and some at the express class. and the most terrible news is some of my friends are gonna change schools next year. but at least i could always hang out with my friends at school and outside the school as an outing. anyways i always felt that each and everyone of my friends are always there for me, i think. but anyways i'm promoted.
this is the lastest year i'm going to attend the ugama school and the last thursday was the lastest day i'm gonna attend them which is also the lastest day i'm having my SSSRU exams. i sure hope i aced the test as i know i would. i also hope that my friends would do the same too esspecially amir. he's the most craziest guy i've ever met! he read the books in the last minute like tauhid, tajwid and tarikh. damn boy, you got a large head there. but i'm sure eventhough he made last minute prep.s he will ace them tests.
well i guess this is the end of this post. probably the longest? haha anyways, bye and au revoir