Saturday, October 15, 2011

keep an eye on 'em. they're filthy rich!

in a clan, there will always be this person who would make you feel like you dont belong. these people would do anything, ANYTHING just to make you feel that way. they would say bad things about you infront of you or even painful, behind your back. they would might not particularly hate you but, point out your mistakes. they are what i called the 'judges' in my previous post.

some of you might think, 'what point is he trying to make here?' or even 'why is he posting this?'. well, clearly:


its very clear now that i have been surrounded by negative vibes that clearly messes up my system to study at school. whether they're inside OR outside my school, the effects of this matter still is the same- they go hand in hand.

some people who you call friends today, might hate you or say bad things about you or even worst, say things behind your back tomorrow. so brace your selves humans and prepare for tomorrow, learn to let go & most importantly, forgive but NEVER forget.